Irish Lottery Winnings

Retailers and the National Lottery have said the record Lotto jackpot over €19m has drawn first-time players in search of winning the life-changing sum. Latest Irish News. At Islands Lotto, you bet on the outcome of the official draw. Winnings for tier 1 and 2 are paid directly to you, after validation, by our betting partner who levy an administration fee of 1.25%. All other tiers will be paid by Islands Lotto without an administration fee. See Lottery Betting rules.Players must be aged 18 or over.
Irish Lotto Results. Irish Lotto results will appear here soon after the Wednesday and Saturday draws take place and a breakdown of prizes and details of the jackpot for the next draw will be added shortly thereafter. Grab your ticket without delay and check your numbers against the results on this page to see if you are an Irish Lotto millionaire! 23 hours ago With 14,352,013 worldwide entering in 2019, however, the Irish only equate to 0.05% of all applicants. Each year over 50,000 green cards are put up for grabs in the lottery system, meaning the. Check the winning history of your Irish Lotto numbers for the past 12 months. As a registered user you'll gain access to complete Irish Lotto draw history since 4 November 2006. On top of that we'll provide you with the tips on how to optimize your combinations to give you the best possible chance to win.
Many so-called lottery experts have made a career out of marketing their own lotto systems that are supposed to guarantee big wins. One of the most enduring methods is lottery wheeling. In this article, we’re going to take a look at what lottery wheels are, how they work, and whether they can help you win the lottery.
What is Lottery Wheeling?

Irish Lottery Results 3 Draws
Lottery wheeling is a method of buying lotto tickets where the player chooses a subset of numbers and purchases multiple combinations of those numbers. This system is supposed to increase the odds of winning the lottery. The logic behind lottery wheeling is that the player is guaranteed a winning ticket if the draw falls within a specific range of numbers.
There are three elements to lottery wheels:
- the minimum guarantee
- the amount of numbers drawn that have to fall within the set of numbers chosen to ensure a win
- the number of different selected numbers in the wheel
These elements boil down to the equation X if Y of Z, meaning you are guaranteed an X-win if Y of the winning numbers are in your set of Z chosen numbers. Lottery wheeling is based on a branch of math called combinatorial design.

How Do Lottery Wheels Work?
To create a lottery wheel, you first have to decide which type of draw you’re going to play. You then have to determine which numbers you want to focus on in your subset. Then you write down all of the possible combinations of those numbers. For example, if you choose to play pick-6 and you choose number 1 to 7 to create a group of 7 numbers, all of your possible combinations would be 1 2 3 4 5 6, 1 2 3 4 5 7, 1 2 3 4 6 7, 1 2 3 5 6 7, 1 2 4 5 6 7, 1 3 4 5 6 7, and 2 3 4 5 6 7. These combinations are the numbers you would play on your ticket.
The consensus is that lottery wheeling works best with pick-3 and pick-4 lotteries. Lottery wheeling requires buying a lot of tickets to cover all of your combinations and increase your chances of winning lower-tier prizes. However, there are three different kinds of wheels you can play, each offering different degrees of coverage.
Full wheels cover every possible combination of the chosen set of numbers. This type of wheel guarantees that you will win multiple prizes if three or more of the winning numbers are in your collection of numbers. Unfortunately, full wheels are very costly, as you must purchase many tickets to cover all possible combinations. Therefore, they may be more suitable for large groups of people who are purchasing tickets together, rather than individuals.
Abbreviated wheels do not cover all combinations, but guarantee at least one winner if a certain amount of the winning numbers fall within your set. This wheel type is a good compromise for affordability while also covering a wide range of numbers. They are more suitable than full wheels for individual players.
Key wheels are similar to an abbreviated wheel except you choose a key number that you include in all your tickets. If you feel confident that a specific number will be part of the winning numbers, then this is the best type of wheel for you.
Famous Examples of Lottery Wheeling
There have been a few instances of people gaining a lot of success and recognition from using lottery wheeling systems. Gail Howard became known as a lottery expert thanks to her Smart Luck system for choosing lottery numbers. This system is based primarily on lottery wheels, and Howard wrote numerous books explaining the concept of wheeling. There have been over 108 documented winners of first place prizes that attribute their wins to Howard’s lottery wheeling system.
Another famous example of a person using lottery wheeling to win big is the story of Stefan Klincewicz. The Polish-Irish businessman bought 80% of 1,947,792 possible combinations in the Irish Lottery. The cost to do this was significant, and Klincewicz and his associates spent just under 1 million Irish pounds to purchase the tickets. The price paid off, though, as the group won the 1.7-million-pound jackpot. However, they had to split the prize three ways, as there were two other people with winning tickets. Klincewicz and his associates still took home a small profit thanks to the Match 4 and Match 5 prizes the tickets also won.
Do Lottery Wheels Increase Your Chance of Winning?
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Lottery wheeling aims to guarantee a minimum amount of wins per wheel. However, that guarantee depends on whether or not the winning numbers contain at least one of the numbers chosen in the subset. Mathematically, lottery wheeling does not have an impact on the expected value of your tickets. However, it does reduce the variance across all tickets of the payout compared to random number selections.
One way in which lottery wheeling does increase your odds of winning is in the fact that players who wheel are typically purchasing many tickets. Like with lottery syndicates and lottery pools, this means that they have more chances of winning.
Lottery wheeling is a popular system of choosing numbers for the lottery. It requires that players buy multiple tickets to cover various combinations of a selected set of numbers. While there have been numerous instances of players winning big and attributing the win to lottery wheeling, there have also been many people who won by using their own lucky numbers or even Quick Pick numbers. Ultimately, the best way to increase your chances of winning is to buy more tickets to a particular draw and the absolute best method of doing that without breaking the bank is to play through a lottery syndicate, but lottery wheeling does at least allow you to choose your numbers in a systematic manner.
- Lotto Results
You can view the latest Irish Lotto results for all three draws below, including Plus 1, Plus 2 and the €500 raffle. Draws take place in Ireland every Wednesday and Saturday, with the winning numbers published below soon after they have taken place.

To view a full prize breakdown for a Lotto draw, which includes the number of winners and prize amounts, follow the 'Prize Breakdown' button next to a specific date.
Date | Result | Details |
Saturday 2nd October 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Wednesday 29th September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Saturday 25th September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Wednesday 22nd September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Saturday 18th September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Wednesday 15th September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Saturday 11th September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Wednesday 8th September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Saturday 4th September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Wednesday 1st September 2021 | Main Draw:
| Prize Breakdown |
Results Archive
Looking for older results? Visit the Irish Lotto archive to view results dating back to the very first draw.
Please note that, as is the case with all National Lottery games in Ireland, Lotto tickets are valid for 90 days from the date of a draw taking place. Tickets for any draws older than 90 days are no longer valid and cannot be claimed.